Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Perspective Letter to Santa 2015

            Dear Santa


Do not bring any toys this year.

For the World has too much to fear.

Fiddling with text, I-Pad or Smart Phone

Makes it too easy to just postpone

Dealing with the problems of the day

Which require all of us to pray

For perfect and correct solutions

Not frivolous useless delusions.


Machines that take jobs and pay no wage

Put most workers in a state of rage.

Term Islamic terrorist avoid

For fear Muslims become paranoid.

Riots about how Black Lives matter

Makes us avoid cities, and scatter.

As to the high rate of school drop out

We just don’t care what it is about.


So what is it we need this season?

A Leader who knows how to reason!

One who knows how to talk to and reach,
Every black, white, man, woman, each.

A person whose word is absolute bond

Not stated to make listeners fond.

One who can speak to other leaders

Who does not act like a first grade reader.


Yes, we will forgoe getting our toys,

And we will not cry or make a noise

We need someone to be respected

Not one who leaves problems neglected.

Please send us some one who will inspire

Not cause us anguish or us perspire.

A Leader with a strong constitution,

And who respects our Constitution


      Wayne and Mary Lee

         Christmas 2015