Saturday, August 18, 2012
Many of us conservatives ask: “Just what do liberals want?” They voted for Obama despite his not being vetted properly. No one can be absolutely sure when and where he was born, where he went to college, what subjects he took and what grades he received. He demands to see Romney’s tax returns but refuses to provide the above information. If you happen to have a normal conversation with an ordinary everyday democrat, you are likely to be told that they voted for Obama but are not terribly pleased with everything he has done. However, they will add that: “He inherited a terrible problem and is doing a pretty good job handling it”.
A critical review of Obama’s policies, his lack of leadership and his public pronouncements clearly show that Obama has done a terrible job. And it reveals, if anything, that he is a socialist. The mainstream Media naturally tell us that this is not true. Even a so-called “fair and balanced” newscaster such as Bill O’Reilly is reluctant to call what is going on in front of our eyes as socialism. Unfortunately, many of the liberal class do not dig into the facts because they are preoccupied with living or because they do not see or care to find out what is really going on.
What is going on is far more sinister that the average citizen would or could imagine. The fact of the matter is that we have been fed a pack of lies about Obama’s background, his policies and from whence comes his support. So, what is really going on? David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin in their new book explain in simple language what is going on. The title of the book is: “The New Leviathan”. The definition of leviathan is:
“Something large or formidable, such as a sea monster or a totalitarian state having a vast bureaucracy”
The jist of the book is that large 501C3 tax deductible Foundations such as Ford, Rockefeller, MacArthur, Pew, Woods etc., which were created from funds accumulated by their capitalist founders, are now being led mostly by liberals who fund liberal programs. Most frightening, is the fact that the grants from several Foundations combine to fund the same liberal cause. This creates much larger incomes than that cause would normally obtain, and thus their influence can be much larger than normal. The authors cite The Thomas Merton Center as an example of an umbrella organization of thirty five left-wing groups that sends protestors to disrupt conservative organization gatherings.
However, it turns out that government bureaucrats can hire organizations and personnel from the Foundations for politically related studies. If you are beginning to sense the size of this monster and its influence on government policy, you are correct.
The book details the kinds of liberal causes the Foundations fund that are having such an insidious impact on our personal lives and business ventures. Examples include: Anti Capitalism, Environmental Issues, Anti-War, Global Justice, Public Broadcasting, Redistribution of the Wealth and individual liberal community organizations such as ACORN and a host of Saul Alinisky based entities.
It is interesting to learn from the authors that Bill Ayers brought Obama onto the Board of Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a left-wing Foundation that provided educational grants and was pursuing Alinsky politics in Chicago Schools. Of course, Obama said he did not know Bill. He only casually met him at a neighborhood party. Yeah, sure he did!!!
Let’s consider just one liberal cause of the many discussed in the book to illustrate how powerful these Foundations are. Various environmental groups such as EarthJustice, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Environmental Defense Fund promote man-made global warming as though it were absolutely gospel. They and massive investment by left-wing foundations have influenced disproportionately the policical debate and conned the main stream Media and many politicians in both parties to believe man-made global warming is a scientifically proven fact.
Many of the persons who have worked for these Foundations end up in positions of power in the United States and State governments. For example, Carol Browner, a believer in man-made global warming, is Obama’s environmental “expert”. She and the other environmental activists in the EPA do everything possible to get programs in place to reduce the green house gases that they claim are the cause of global warming. So, they tried to have Congress pass a law under the Clean Air Act, which controls toxic gases, to add carbon dioxide. When Congress refused to do this, they got Obama to approve an executive order claiming that carbon dioxide is a toxic substance. We should have expected Congress to be beside itself at such an outrageous idea and furious at the encroachment on their authority. But have we heard any complaint about it from them? Nor has the Media chosen to expose this outrageous seizure of power on the part of the Executive Branch.
Ask yourself when was the first time you heard the word photosynthesis? You were probably in grammar school where it used to be taught. To refresh your memory, this is the process where the chlorophyll in plants in the presence of sun light catalyzes the conversion of carbon dioxide taken from the air into carbohydrates which make up the leaves, stems and flowers of plants and the wood in trees, all the while emitting oxygen. Carbon dioxide is also the chemical that every human and every animal emits after the oxygen they intake is converted to carbon dioxide in their body.
There is no way that carbon dioxide is toxic! Perhaps, Browner and her ilk got carbon dioxide confused with carbon monoxide which really is a toxic gas that some people pipe into their cars from their exhausts to commit suicide. In the world of yesteryear when we taught common sense as early as grammar school, even a school kid would have laughed anyone out of the room who claimed that carbon dioxide was a poison.
What is particularly disgusting is how small the amount of man-made carbon dioxide is being emitted. According to the authors, the atmosphere contains about 38 molecules of carbon dioxide for every 100,000 molecules of air. To that concentration man-made carbon dioxide emissions have added only one molecule every five years.
What is sillier is this! If you want to talk about green house gases, you have to include clouds which consist of water vapor, and methane both of which are naturally occurring gases. Methane is emitted from cattle, other animals including humans and the composting of vegetation. Composting is just loved by environmentalists, but they never acknowledge that the methane and carbon dioxide that are emitted are green house gases. Methane and water vapor turn out to be the most effective of green house gases. By the way, each of these green house gases can kill you. It depends on how they are administered. You may recall that lungs filled with water or carbon dioxide that replace oxygen which cause asphyxiation which will cause death. Methane will also cause asphyxiation, but it is in fact toxic.
What is really scary and should be of great concern, is the length that the radical liberals will go to get control of our lives. One needs to know that this brand of liberals, and Obama is their most famous member, is made up of Saul Alinski protégés. Alinski taught that the establishment should be destroyed so that it could be rebuilt on the Command and Control principles of Socialism and Communism. The cap and trade bill which is designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions for the burning of coal, oil and other fossil fuels, will needlessly increase the cost of living and production for every citizen in the United States. It is just one of their tools to bring down our great country.
It was only seventy five years ago that Hitler and his Nazi Party overtook Germany with the big lie about the Jews. His mantra was that a big lie told often and loud enough becomes accepted as the truth. The United States had to destroy Hitler to get rid of that lie. What can “We the People” do to destroy these lies? That’s right! Vote those associated with the New Leviathan out of our government. Your God Given Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness depends on it!!
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