Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Perspective: Why Can’t We Get It Straight?

If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck and if it looks like a duck what is it?

Obama would call it a catastrophe of nature! How about this? If it looks like an act of terror, it terrorizes you and you catch the terrorists in the act, what is it? Obviously to Obama, it is a bunch of Republican gun owning zealots who don’t want background checks.

Is our President too young to remember that in 1996 Bin Laden issued a fatwā entitled: "Declaration of War against the Americans”. This document was signed by five people, four of whom represented specific Islamic groups, and it was faxed to supporters across the world.

The first attack in this war occurred on August 7,1998 when two of our embassies were truck bombed by Islamic Jihadists killing hundreds of US employees. This was followed by the terrorist’s suicide bombing of the USS Cole which cost the lives of 17 fine American sailors and then on September 11, 2001 planes piloted by Muslim Jihadists destroyed the two Trade Center buildings, severely damaged the Pentagon and crash landed in a field in Pennsylvania, all in all killing over 3,000 persons. In addition, we lost about 5,000 of our finest military fighting wars against the Islamic Jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fortunately, we have managed to thwart the Shoe Bomber’s plan in 2001, the Time Square Bomber’s in 2010 and Underwear Bomber’s in 2012. But then in 2009, a Muslim shoots and kills his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood.

Now, it turns out that the Boston Marathon bombers look like Muslims, they came from a Muslim Country went to Muslim Madrassas and attend Muslim services in Mosques, and their tools for terrorizing mimic those of known Muslim terrorists. Do you notice a pattern? Wouldn’t your first thought be that they might be part of Bin Laden’s Muslim Jihad? Not so to our President who initially stated, it’s a catastrophe! Oh, and the Fort Hood massacre is just a workplace accident.

A student taking a course in Logic or earlier generations who still held sense in common would have nailed this in a minute. Unfortunately for problem solving we are inundated with Political Correctness where nearly every term had been changed, e.g. an act of terror is a “disaster or a castrophy”, or murdering a viable fetus is “choice”. By this reasoning the surviving bomber is not an Islamic Jihadist! He is just a US citizen who is a nice guy who had a bad night with a bad brother. They were in the business of making and transporting bombs, but two accidentally fell out of their knapsacks while they stopped to view the Boston Marathon, and the others were to be delivered to New York City. However, they were too poor to own a car, so they simply “borrowed” one to make that delivery.

Are we living in Alice’s PC Wonderland, or what?

It is a fundamental fact that if you cannot define a problem, you cannot solve it. And equally important to understand is that you must use clear and unequivocal terms. If you don’t employ these principles you don’t have a ghost of a chance of being able to understand the problem let alone to solve it. Another principle of problem solving is that among the entire list of possible theories that can be generated to explain the phenomena, the simplest has the highest probability of being correct.

With all the evidence of attacks on Americans following the Bin Laden Fatwa, why do we have so much trouble calling this what it is? It is war!! This is not just a bunch of unrelated April Fool Pranks! How often do we have to see this movie before we get it? The entire planet, including the United States, is the battlefield, and these Radical Islamists who carry out these acts of terror, are enemy combatants. In an ordinary war, if a country declares war on us, we try to capture or kill the enemy combatants on the battlefield. Now, what does it matter whether the enemy combatants are US citizens who have been “self-radicalized” or where the battlefield is? Those who are radicalized or are inclined to become so do not have to live in a tribe in the Middle East to become an Islamic Jihadist! We live in the digital world, and this can link every Islamic Jihadist in the world. Further, if we believe that these US citizens have joined the Radical Islamist group who are out to kill us, they have committed treason regardless, of age, or that they look like nice guys or where they reside, and they should be treated accordingly.

If you want to know how sick and stupid we have become just notice how we handled the interview of the surviving Boston Marathon Terrorist. We had just learned that he and his brother had plans to do similar damage in New York City and God only knows where else when our Government intervened and read him his Miranda Rights, thus preventing us from obtaining pertinent information he might possess. Had this terrorist been treated as an enemy combatant, we might have learned what other heinous plans they had, and most importantly what was his brother’s connection with Chechnya and the larger worldwide Islamist Jihad.

In summary, what we need to do to combat the Muslim terrorist is to just have the guts to call a duck a duck. Since Bin Laden declared war on us 17 years ago, one Muslim Jihadist after another from all over the world, which includes the US, decided to fight in Bin Laden’s war. Is it a stretch then, to conclude that any Muslim Jihadist caught in the act of terrorizing, regardless of Nationality or Geographic location is a Bin Laden soldier, and therefore is an “enemy combatant”? The entire world knows how to deal with enemy combatants, why don’t we?

One more thing! If the radical Jihadists represent only a fraction of the worldwide Muslim population, and more importantly, if their motives and terrorist activities are repugnant to the majority of the Muslims on the planet, then why does that group, who should be our allies, remain silent? Has anyone seen or heard a Muslim Imam come out to decry and disavow the attack on the Boston Marathon?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Perspective: How Do We Keep the Middle Class From Dropping Out?

As mentioned in an earlier blog, the Middle Class in the United States achieved an historic wage earning level after WWII because the US had the only manufacturing capability on the planet unscathed from the War. Today, about 20 million Americans, mostly in the Middle Class, are out of work or working part time. It is worse than these numbers show because most of these people have skills that no longer meet the current global and digital market needs.

This shows up in the numbers. The most recent jobs report states that last month about a half a million potential workers stopped looking for work, and as a consequence, the jobless rate dropped. Based on this math, one would assume that the answer is to have all who can’t find work to stop looking. This would drive the unemployed percent to zero. Then we could forget all about the problem!

Or could we? Those in the Middle Class that stop looking for work altogether will just end up in another group, namely those classified as disabled and are thus obtaining Social Security or those who are considered poor and are obtaining food stamps and all the rest of government handouts. Obama claims that these unemployed are being exploited. Nevertheless, he does nothing tangible about their plight except to preach that they can “pull themselves up by their boot straps, if only the rich will provide the boots”. Can we stand to have the Middle Class be dependent upon the government? Worse, can we afford to have them drop out? Of course not!

Those who have been reading my blogs know that I believe we have our priorities all wrong. Contrary to what the environmental enthusiasts tell us, our lifestyle will not cause the world to collapse within our lifetime, but I can assure you that if the problem of how to help our Middle Class is not seriously addressed and soon, the cost of supporting them and their children and their children’s children will permanently harm the lifestyle we have all come to love.

As an historic fact, jobs for the under skilled have been shrinking during the past 100 years. Farm labor, for example has dropped from 33% of the total labor force to less than 2 % today. By contrast professional and skilled labor has increased to 70 % of the total work force. Because of the digital revolution and the robotization it brings with it, we can expect the skilled class to increase to about 75 to 80% while non-skilled labor shrinks to about 20-25% of the total work force.

Interestingly, jobs that require high skills are increasing faster than we are graduating those with the skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) which are required for the jobs. The number of these jobs is expanding rapidly because the digital revolution is now upon us in full force. A new factor in this equation is that manufacturing jobs that moved overseas are beginning to return to the US. It turns out that manufacturing is most efficient when located in the same proximity as design, engineering and marketing. Also, the cost of overseas labor is rising, and the cost of shipping is also rising due to rising oil prices.

Another factor affecting high tech jobs is the extremely low cost of ethane. This is a component of natural gas and a major building block for chemicals and polymers. Consequently, major chemical manufacturers are lured to build plants in the US. The group includes Dow and Shell, major US companies, but it also includes BASF, a German company, which is the world’s largest chemical manufacturer. As an aside, let me mention that these plants will hire many chemical engineers at starting salaries above $100,000 per annum.

In a sentence, we have a dilemma: We have a shortage of jobs for the unskilled workers, and a shortage of workers for the skilled jobs. This has happened so swiftly that the economy and the Middle Class have been unable to adjust to it.

The fact is we are experiencing a paradigm shift in the type of skills required to meet the market needs as the chart graphically illustrates.

                                                                              PERCENT OF US LABOR MARKET.

                                                                                         1910                            2010

Unskilled, or Low Skilled

Farm Labor                                                                         33                                 2

Other Labor                                                                        15                                  8

Operators, Foremen, Craftsmen                                          25                                 20

Sub-Total                                                                           73                                 30

Professional, Managerial, Clerical, Marketing                      27                                  70

Source: Occupational changes during the twentieth century

Ian D. Wyatt and Daniel E. Hecker

Looking at these data tells us that we have been moving from a society that functioned very well with low skilled labor to one where modern technology and even robots require highly skilled workers. In the early part of the 20th century, a one-room school six or eight grade education was all that was needed to get a decent job. But in the 21st century, a High School education may not be enough. A Trade School, Junior College and in many cases, even a College degree is required to obtain a job of “American Dream” quality..

You do not have to be an Einstein to know what is in the immediate future. Just look in your child’s hand and you will find a device that seems to be affixed to as though from birth. This amazing device reminds us old folks of the radio wrist watch of Dick Tracy days. In a way the Smart Phone is in fact a kind of two-way radio. But it is infinitely more than that! It permits the owner, even a child, to access the entire world’s knowledge on any subject in a matter of seconds. Contrast this to what the the kid had access to in the one-room school with one teacher teaching 8 grades. But the wonderment of it is that it is predicted that these so-called “phones, a mere five years old, will be in the hands of five billion earth dwellers within the next ten years. What else do we need to know to realize where this is heading at mach speed?

So, what in the face of this dramatic change in the workplace can be done to help the Middle Class to get back to work right now? Fortuitously, we have the opportunity and the need for a large amount of such under-skilled labor because of the discovery of the huge quantities of natural gas and oil right here in our back yard. To get this low cost product to market requires massive amounts of infrastructure that does not exist.. This includes piping the products to users such as the chemical and electricity producers and to export markets. Piping is also needed to get the gas to locations where it can be used for automotive fuel. This fuel, called compressed natural gas CNG, is already being used in trucks and busses, but the shortage of infrastructure to create the CNG and get the refueling facilities in place is slowing the adoption of this low-cost, environmentally friendly automotive fuel. And as the March 23rd article in the Olean Times explains, the shortage of infrastructure is showing up right here.

“The biggest drawback to the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) is that while there is an estimated 10,000 vehicles in the State of New York capable of using CNG -10% of the vehicles in the Nation- there are only about 100 CNG refueling stations in the State, and one-third of those are public”

The work to build this infrastructure does not require a college degree. Mostly it requires know-how that the jobless already have. Therefore this group of workers could begin work at once.

To increase the number of persons who are skilled in STEM is another matter. Two actions are required.

• Find a way to convince females who represent half of college graduates to take and graduate with        majors in STEM. Currently, the percentage is only about 5%

• Change the immigration policy so that foreign students who major in STEM can stay and work in the United States.

As stated at the beginning of this blog, our priorities are out of whack. The idea that our infrastructure of roads and schools must be fixed as a priority is silly. We have had one major bridge collapse in the last ten years with minimal damage to human life. And we do not see traffic backed up because the roads are crumbling and therefore impassable. Another silly idea is that we have to spend billions on new pre-school programs. We know from Head Start that the kids who are not in that program reach equality with those who are in about 1-3 years. We have always known what to do to improve our schools and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s study has confirmed it! The schools need two things, namely, a good teacher and a good parent. The way the Foundation determined who was a good teacher was to ask the students. As a former student, I am shocked, shocked to just now learn that students know which teachers are good and which were not!

Now, you would think that the US Government would leap at this once in a lifetime opportunity to do something special to help the Middle Class. Unfortunately however, based on the way our governmental leaders talk and act and the low priority they have given this problem, one has to assume that they have no clue what is going on and what has to be done about it. Maybe we should give them Dick Tracy watches.