Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Perspective: Maybe Santa Can Help Find Jobs

Dear Santa,

We Frustrated Citizens are told endlessly that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer; that CEOs make infinitely more than ordinary labor, and about 15% of our labor force either is unemployed or underemployed. Oh, you hear politicians from both parties give lip service to the idea that our most important priority is to create jobs, but neither comes up with a specific plan. Worse, the government’s focus is on infrastructure. They tell us that the roads and bridges are falling apart, that we are not spending enough on education and that health care should be provided virtually gratis to the poor and to those suffering with preconditions. But most of these would be government jobs, and the government has no money to support such programs. Moreover, the need for such new programs is dubious, as best.

So, Santa you can see our frustration, and why we are asking your help this Christmas.

Frustrated Citizens

Found in our Christmas Stocking

Listen politicians that you may hear

How you can make lots of jobs appear.

In case you haven’t heard, I won’t be crass.

But you are up to your butts in natural gas.

And it is not in any way profane

To say it is climate-friendly methane.

To use it, though, how shall I express it?

It’s that one simply has to compress it.

Again while trying not to be profane,

You can run trucks cars and even a train.

But you must convert every truck and car

And every gas station, both near and far.

Now, you think that high tech is the path,

And the workers must know science and math!

You’re shocked as though hit with a lightening bolt;

All one needs do is attach nut to bolt!

Not keyed to digital revolution,

These jobs don’t need skills in evolution!

Actually, jobs lost to robots and China

Will be found in gas, and couldn’t be finer .

These are the folk on unemployment checks

Who without work, become absolute wrecks!

The good news is workers don’t have to roam;

For the jobs will be nearby, close to home.

So what does a politician need to do?

Get out of the way, try something brand new!

Give private enterprise the leading task.

Remove regulators, strip off their mask,

Allow fast write offs of investment cash,

Require work for pay. This plan’s not too brash

Assigning those on dole to this project

Provides a real job, regains self respect.

To convert each car, gas station and truck

Will take about ten years, with any luck.

By that time the oldest of the group will retire

While the younger gain skills new jobs require.

When 80 million boomers leave work behind

The 40 million followers will find

It’s easier to have full employment

To each and everyone’s full enjoyment.

Then, Santa smiling, said with full delight,

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!