Saturday, October 17, 2015

Perspective: Does the 60 Minutes Interview Show Obama as Delusional?

By any measure the Obama presidency and the Republican held House and Senate are abysmal failures, and everyone, especially the voters as well as our allies and foes knows it. Under Obama’s watch, jobs for the middle class are scarce and middle class wages have declined while the cost of living has increased dramatically. Excessive regulations and taxes have discouraged businesses from hiring. Meanwhile, Obamacare has been foisted upon both employers and employees with all of its issues which stymie the economic growth needed to create jobs.  In the foreign world Obama is at odds with his military as he proudly “leads from behind” leaving the Middle East in a shambles that will take decades to repair, if indeed it can ever be repaired. Meanwhile, Russia is filling the vacuum. The question is whether it can get worse during the remaining 15 months we have with Obama? If so, is there anything a Republican Congress can consider doing? 

In a blog posted December 18, 2014, I defined Megalomania a condition that this President exhibits which may explain why he is “Inable to perform his duties” such that the  25th Amendment might be applied.  Megalomania is a psychological condition characterized by delusional fancies of power, omnipotence and inflated self esteem.. The psychiatric definition of “delusion” is: “Maintaining fixed but false beliefs usually as a result of mental illness.” 

Recent proof of this occurred on Sixty Minutes. Under the questioning of Steve Kroft, Obama demonstrated that he is “delusional”. He thinks that the economy is growing along with increases in wages, that we are succeeding in the Middle East and that ISIS is being defeated. If you missed this interview, you might be able to see it on line.  

Consequently, a Republican Congress could deem Obama “Inable” to perform his presidential duties in the manner that the Constitution describes. Therefore, he could be removed from office until he is ‘cured’ of this malady.   

If the Republicans had the courage to apply this remedy, then “We the People” might be able to breathe easier for the next fifteen months. On the other hand, if Congress remains spineless, we are stuck with this incompetent, feckless and reckless President. Therefore, all we have left is prayer!!




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