Perspective on the Primary Elections: ARE TERM LIMITS POSSIBLE?
By Wayne Pearson
One of my earlier blogs made the case for firing “for cause” each and everyone of our
535 U.S. Senators and Representatives because we believe that, for the most part, they
are incompetent, arrogant, fiscally irresponsible, corrupt and just plain insubordinate.
Recent polls show that 60% of the public disapproves of the job the Congress is doing
and that they hate both parties. The public is sick and tired of the antics of the individual
members of Congress, again of both parties, and they want to get rid of them.
The results from the primaries across the nation suggest that the public is acting. The
incumbents, regardless of party, are being voted out in these primary elections, and we
can hope that the voter’s wishes, indicated by their selections in the primaries, will be
granted in the November elections.
How the voters are reacting is driving the main stream media bonkers. The polls make
them ever more confused. The media fret about how the new comers will organize and
how they will rule, because the media are so in bed with the incumbents that they cannot
envision any different way of governing. They disparage the Tea Partiers because they do
not fit the traditional mode of politicians. As a result they miss the message the Tea
Partiers are sending: “Government is too big, too intrusive, unbelievably incompentent,
arrogant and corrupt”.
The recent ethics issues involving Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters only support the
voter’s belief. It really does matter to voters that Rangel hasn’t paid taxes because he
misplaced some papers and that Walters helped her husband get a special favors using tax
payer monies! When our elected representatives have been in office for decades as
Rangel and Walters have, they feel they are immune from rules, and should be voted in
again and again for as long as they live. Robert Byrd of West Virginia had to die in office
before he could be removed.
The one sure way to reduce corruption in government is to restrict the amount of time
that an individual can access power. When our representatives feel they are secure and
can remain in their position for a lifetime, they will gain absolute power, and absolute
power corrupts absolutely.
The voters are ready to do something about this absurd situation. That is why they are
voting the way they are. The question is whether they are they asking, indeed demanding
of the new politicians they are electing what is required of them? The voters are clear that
they want private business to be encouraged to create new and lasting jobs, and they want
spending reduced. We suspect that the new electees more or less understand that.
But we believe there should be more. We should demand that the persons we are voting
to replace the incumbents agree to the premise that their offices be TERM LIMITED and
that the persons running for office will pledge to promote and vote for that idea.
Moreover, we should demand that this pledge be CONFIRMED IN WRITING.
Now, this project will require some personal moral fortitude on our part. You see, we
have been coerced by our politicians to become partners in their corruption. Here is how
that works. Your representative comes back home from Washington with a bag full of
money. It very likely was money taken from another more prosperous State than yours,
so it technically does not belong to your State, but you welcome it.
Later when you do not like your representative and want to remove him, you are advised
that “He does so much good for us”. So we keep the creep who becomes more and more
corrupt. Think Robert Byrd and all the buildings in West Virginia that bear his name.
Stop being coerced!! Just say NO! Once you have freed yourself from such corruption,
you will not only feel better, but you will be “free at last” to do the right thing!!
Yes, TERM LIMITS will require a Constitutional Amendment, and it will take a long
time and great dedication. So, we must demand that our new congressional members
sponsor the needed bill. We need to make it unequivocally clear to our new
Representative or Senator that he or she as an individual will face a “term limit”, because
if he or she does not follow our wishes, he or she will be voted out of office the next
round. This will require dedication on our part to see this through. That means continuing
to be active in and support the Tea Partiers and similar groups.
What can each of us do?
· Let your representatives know that you want TERM LIMITS for the Congress and
Senate as soon as possible, and send existing and especially new office holders
this message in every way, verbally when you attend their meetings or send them
messages by Twitter, Facebook, e-mail or snail mail.
· Demand that they be willing to campaign for Term Limits and be willing to back
their pledge in writing.
· Let your fellow citizens, family and neighbors know how strongly you feel about
this issue and gain their support.
· Become involved with your local Tea Party organization.
· Insist that the Tea Partiers make Term Limits a number one priority for their
organizations and groups.
Right now---- while the voters are upset and active--- is a perfect time to promote
TERM LIMITS. This opportunity may not come this way again, so it is imperative that
each of us act and act now.
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