Thursday, April 28, 2011

In my last Blog, the question was raised as to whether Obama is not prepared or is just too incompetent to perform the duties of the President of the United States of America. In any event, this country is without a leader at a time when strong leadership is not only needed but is absolutely necessary. The United States is like an ocean going vessel without a captain and a crew that is feckless and incompetent. With the sea filled with storms, earthquakes, tsunamis and disturbances of amazing proportions, this is no time to be sailing on a rudderless ship. Our captains of industry are already abandoning ship, and the rest of the world watches the coming disaster with mouths agape.

More and more the Media and even some members of the Republican Party lament that Republican candidates who might run against Obama do not seem up to the task. This has to stop! We have the best list of candidates that I can ever remember! You could not find any more qualified than those on the list of potential Republican candidates. It includes eleven who have been or are successful governors, five of whom have already indicated interest in running. Each and every one of the Republication candidates has proved that they are perfectly better qualified to govern and lead than our current President..

Likely Candidates
Michele Bachmann
Governor Haley Barbour
Josh Bolton
Governor Jeb Bush
Governor Chris Christie
Governor Mitch Daniels
Newt Gingrich
Governor Mike Huckabee
Jon Huntsman
Governor Sara Palin
Ron Paul
Governor Rick Perry
Governor Tim Pawlenty
Governor George Pataki
Governor Elson Roemer III
Governor Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Donald Trump

It is nonsense to fret about whether those on this list are qualified enough to replace a person who has demonstrably failed so miserably at governing and leading and has shown no ability to learn on the job. At this point, we need to focus like a laser on Obama’s failure as a President and not get tangled up in the messy details of what policy of his is bad. They are all bad, because he does not know how to choose and implement any that are good.

Once we have agreed that the demonstrated ability to lead and govern exists in the Republican candidates, we can then focus on those who believe in and are committed to follow these principles:

Making security and protection from foreign enemies the first priority of the Federal Government
Rebuilding confidence in the capitalistic system, and structure the tax system to encourage private investors to continue to invest in the United States
Establishing and implementing an energy policy that is based on developing and using our fossil fuels, eliminates subsidies for biofuels, promotes nuclear and supports research in clean energy including fossil, nuclear and renewable sources that are competitive without subsidization.
Restructuring Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security so that they are economically sustainable.

With competent and strong leadership in the White House, dedicated to upholding the Constitution and adhering to these principles, the dollar will strengthen, the price of oil will fall to its rightful place, capitalists will want to invest in America again, the economy will grow, terrorists will quake in their boots and this country can proudly regain its proper role as head of the Free World. To achieve this we must do all we can to see that Obama is not re-elected for four more years.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with two of those individuals being strong leaders. At least not intelligent ones Wayne. Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman are everything that is wrong with the republican party. In an era when we should be becoming more progressive and adapted to the times they are far to stuck on social issues and not legislative pit falls and political distress. These are two women who have said (along with Rick Santorum) that Homo Sexuality is the largest problem facing the United States in this generation.....REALLY!! In a post 9/11 world, gay people getting married is more dangerous?

    Michelle Bachman has also been quoted saying

    "Not all cultures are equal."

    "I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swime flue broke out then under another democratic president, jimmy carter. Anjd I’m not blaming this on president Obama, I just think its an interested coincidence. "
    Why would the democrats release swine flu.

    "If we took away the minimum wage if conceivably it was gone- we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level"

    Do you want a woman who is going to get rid of Minimum wage? How does that help anyone but the rich??

    I wont.....
