Thursday, April 7, 2011

Perspective: Should Obama be Impeached?

The Constitution states that the President of the United States can be Impeached and removed from office if found guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. It also states that a sitting president can be removed from office if “Unable to discharge the powers and duties of the said Office”. As will be shown, impeachment and removal may be deserved, but we need to keep in mind that the result of impeaching and removing Obama would be that Vice President Biden would take over as President. That is scary enough to cause us to abandon the pursuit of Impeachment. On the other hand, if the case can be made that his actions make him eligible to be impeached, it should be burned into the brains of “We the People” so that we take action and vote to remove him from office on November, 2012. Let’s see if the case for impeachment can be made. For whatever reason, our current President seems incapable of or just plain refuses to perform the duties of the office of the President of the United States. No matter what the issue or crises, or whatever decision is required of the President, this man is late, absent, chooses courses that make little sense or just won’t perform his duty. The evidence is overwhelming at this point and range from starting a war with Libya without approval of Congress and then handing off the leadership and mission to a cobbled up group of countries who lack resources and commitment to complete the job, to refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Law. At the same time, he has no compunction to expand the office of the Executive Branch by hiring a countless number of Czars to regulate virtually every aspect of our lives without consulting with or obtaining the approval of Congress. All of this aimed at “Transforming America”. A longer list is at the end of this blog. He talks endlessly about our needing an energy policy that gets us off of foreign oil, then places a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico while encouraging Brazil to drill, permits the EPA to promote cap and trade on coal, promotes biofuels which require more fossil energy to produce than is created while causing the price of food to increase, touts battery operated cars which will require electricity that he will permit to be produced only from solar and wind. He promotes high speed rail systems when we know that Amtrak has been an abysmal failure. And he talks about creating jobs while taking actions and using rhetoric that discourages private industry from investing capital in the United States. He ignores an obvious solution to both the energy and job creation problems by refusing to create a program to convert our vehicles from gasoline and diesel to natural gas. We have discovered more natural gas reserves in the United States than any where else in the world, and to utilize it would require jobs to obtain it, compress it, convert gas stations to supply it and convert cars and trucks to use it. That is a lot of gas and a lot of jobs! He can’t, won’t or doesn’t know how to lead the Congress to such a simple solution to the Social Security problem as promoting that the retirement age for those who are in their 30’s be extended 1-3 years. So what conclusions are we to reach about this failure to lead and perform the duties of the President? He is deliberately trying to wreck the country so that he and his czars can transform it into something the Founders never had in mind, could not have imagined and would not have tolerated He is just plain incompetent, so much so that he has not a clue as to what to do about virtually anything. If you had an employee who was planning to wreck your company or was so incompetent that the result would be the same, you would not hesitate to fire him or her. So what can “We the People” who are Obama’s Boss do? Here are some options: We can encourage Congress to take actions to remove him from office via Impeachment as soon as possible. We can see that he is not re-elected to a second term in 2012. If the theory is that Obama is deliberately trying to destroy our country in order to”Transform” it to some other form of government, he would be abrogating his pledge to defend the Constitution. This would clearly be a high crime, if not outright treason. If on the other hand, our theory is that he is too that he is too timid to lead, too fearful of making a mistake or is just plain incompetent, then that would constitute one’s being incapable of discharging the duties of the President. In either of these cases, it seems that there is a case for Impeachment. In the meantime, since we are recommending against impeachment, we can only hope that the Republican House of Representatives resists the dangerous programs of the Democrat controlled Senate and the President so that the country can last until 2012. And that the Tea Partiers stay alive and active so that a viable campaign can be launched to vote him out of office. EXAMPLES OF LACK OF LEADERSHIP Obambcare: He delegated the task to a “Committee” (a democratically controlled congress). This committee instead of designing a “thoroughbred” racehorse came up with a “camel” which he accepted. Afghanistan: Took six months to decide what to do about the war and then blew it by mentioning a date for withdrawal leaving the enemy knowing just how long to hunker down and wait. Gulf Oil Spill: Refused to take the lead, blocked foreign help, blamed BP and every one for the spill then placed a moratorium on drilling. Mid-east Crisis: Virtually ignored the citizen uprisings which began in Iran, continued in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and now Syria. Failed to understand the role Facebook and Twitter have on the youth’s desire for freedom. What to do About Libya: Dithered for days, then said Qaddafi had to go. Then claimed action needed to be taken to protect Libyan civilians Delegated task to the UN and NATO Without Congressional approval, unilaterally decided to send 200 missiles to destroy Libyan defense assets naming it a “Kinetic Military Action”, then denied that the plan was to kick Qaddafi out. Japan Nuclear Crisis: Never offered to convene the world’s experts on nuclear energy to help Japan with the world’s worst catastrophe since Chernobyl, thus permitting the fear of nuclear to dominate and delay installation of new plants, worldwide, by 10 to 20 or more years, while oil prices are skyrocketing.. Budget Crisis: Refuses to take the lead to avoid a government shutdown. Control of Debt: Fails to follow the recommendations of the Commission he appointed to create a path to control the exploding costs of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

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